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type OrderError {
field: String
message: String
code: OrderErrorCode!
warehouse: ID
orderLines: [ID!]
variants: [ID!]
addressType: AddressTypeEnum


OrderError.field ● String scalar miscellaneous

Name of a field that caused the error. A value of null indicates that the error isn't associated with a particular field.

OrderError.message ● String scalar miscellaneous

The error message.

OrderError.code ● OrderErrorCode! non-null enum orders

The error code.

OrderError.warehouse ● ID scalar miscellaneous

Warehouse ID which causes the error.

OrderError.orderLines ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of order line IDs that cause the error.

OrderError.variants ● [ID!] list scalar miscellaneous

List of product variants that are associated with the error

OrderError.addressType ● AddressTypeEnum enum miscellaneous

A type of address that causes the error.

Member Of

DraftOrderBulkDelete object ● DraftOrderComplete object ● DraftOrderCreate object ● DraftOrderDelete object ● DraftOrderLinesBulkDelete object ● DraftOrderUpdate object ● FulfillmentApprove object ● FulfillmentCancel object ● FulfillmentRefundProducts object ● FulfillmentReturnProducts object ● FulfillmentUpdateTracking object ● Order object ● OrderAddNote object ● OrderBulkCancel object ● OrderCancel object ● OrderCapture object ● OrderConfirm object ● OrderDiscountAdd object ● OrderDiscountDelete object ● OrderDiscountUpdate object ● OrderFulfill object ● OrderLineDelete object ● OrderLineDiscountRemove object ● OrderLineDiscountUpdate object ● OrderLinesCreate object ● OrderLineUpdate object ● OrderMarkAsPaid object ● OrderRefund object ● OrderUpdate object ● OrderUpdateShipping object ● OrderVoid object