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Represents an order in the shop.

type Order implements Node, ObjectWithMetadata {
id: ID!
privateMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
privateMetafield(key: String!): String
privateMetafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
metadata: [MetadataItem!]!
metafield(key: String!): String
metafields(keys: [String!]): Metadata
created: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
status: OrderStatus!
user: User
trackingClientId: String!
billingAddress: Address
shippingAddress: Address
shippingMethodName: String
collectionPointName: String
channel: Channel!
fulfillments: [Fulfillment!]!
lines: [OrderLine!]!
actions: [OrderAction!]!
availableShippingMethods: [ShippingMethod!] @deprecated
shippingMethods: [ShippingMethod!]!
availableCollectionPoints: [Warehouse!]!
invoices: [Invoice!]!
number: String!
original: ID
origin: OrderOriginEnum!
isPaid: Boolean!
paymentStatus: PaymentChargeStatusEnum!
paymentStatusDisplay: String!
authorizeStatus: OrderAuthorizeStatusEnum!
chargeStatus: OrderChargeStatusEnum!
taxExemption: Boolean!
transactions: [TransactionItem!]!
payments: [Payment!]!
total: TaxedMoney!
undiscountedTotal: TaxedMoney!
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod @deprecated
shippingPrice: TaxedMoney!
shippingTaxRate: Float!
shippingTaxClass: TaxClass
shippingTaxClassName: String
shippingTaxClassMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
shippingTaxClassPrivateMetadata: [MetadataItem!]!
token: String! @deprecated
voucher: Voucher
voucherCode: String
giftCards: [GiftCard!]!
customerNote: String!
weight: Weight!
redirectUrl: String
subtotal: TaxedMoney!
statusDisplay: String!
canFinalize: Boolean!
totalAuthorized: Money!
totalCaptured: Money! @deprecated
totalCharged: Money!
totalCanceled: Money!
events: [OrderEvent!]!
totalBalance: Money!
userEmail: String
isShippingRequired: Boolean!
deliveryMethod: DeliveryMethod
languageCode: String! @deprecated
languageCodeEnum: LanguageCodeEnum!
discount: Money @deprecated
discountName: String @deprecated
translatedDiscountName: String @deprecated
discounts: [OrderDiscount!]!
errors: [OrderError!]!
displayGrossPrices: Boolean!
externalReference: String
checkoutId: ID
grantedRefunds: [OrderGrantedRefund!]!
totalGrantedRefund: Money!
totalRefunded: Money!
totalRefundPending: Money!
totalAuthorizePending: Money!
totalChargePending: Money!
totalCancelPending: Money!
totalRemainingGrant: Money!
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Fields ● ID! non-null scalar miscellaneous

ID of the order.

Order.privateMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

List of private metadata items. Requires staff permissions to access.

Order.privateMetafield ● String scalar miscellaneous

A single key from private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Order.privateMetafield.key ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Order.privateMetafields ● Metadata scalar miscellaneous

Private metadata. Requires staff permissions to access. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Order.privateMetafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

Order.metadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

List of public metadata items. Can be accessed without permissions.

Order.metafield ● String scalar miscellaneous

A single key from public metadata.

Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch multiple keys.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Order.metafield.key ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Order.metafields ● Metadata scalar miscellaneous

Public metadata. Use keys to control which fields you want to include. The default is to include everything.

Added in Saleor 3.3
Order.metafields.keys ● [String!] list scalar miscellaneous

Order.created ● DateTime! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Date and time when the order was created.

Order.updatedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Date and time when the order was created.

Order.status ● OrderStatus! non-null enum orders

Status of the order.

Order.user ● User object users

User who placed the order. This field is set only for orders placed by authenticated users. Can be fetched for orders created in Saleor 3.2 and later, for other orders

requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_USERSMANAGE_ORDERSHANDLE_PAYMENTSOWNER

Order.trackingClientId ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Google Analytics tracking client ID. This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0.

Order.billingAddress ● Address object users

Billing address. The full data can be access for orders created in Saleor 3.2 and later, for other orders

requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_ORDERSOWNER

Order.shippingAddress ● Address object users

Shipping address. The full data can be access for orders created in Saleor 3.2 and later, for other orders

requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_ORDERSOWNER

Order.shippingMethodName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Method used for shipping.

Order.collectionPointName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Name of the collection point where the order should be picked up by the customer. ● Channel! non-null object channels

Channel through which the order was placed.

Order.fulfillments ● [Fulfillment!]! non-null object orders

List of shipments for the order.

Order.lines ● [OrderLine!]! non-null object orders

List of order lines.

Order.actions ● [OrderAction!]! non-null enum payments

List of actions that can be performed in the current state of an order.

Order.availableShippingMethods ● [ShippingMethod!] deprecated list object shipping


Use shippingMethods, this field will be removed in 4.0

Shipping methods that can be used with this order.

Order.shippingMethods ● [ShippingMethod!]! non-null object shipping

Shipping methods related to this order.

Order.availableCollectionPoints ● [Warehouse!]! non-null object products

Collection points that can be used for this order.

Added in Saleor 3.1

Order.invoices ● [Invoice!]! non-null object orders

List of order invoices. Can be fetched for orders created in Saleor 3.2 and later, for other orders

requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_ORDERSOWNER

Order.number ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

User-friendly number of an order.

Order.original ● ID scalar miscellaneous

The ID of the order that was the base for this order.

Order.origin ● OrderOriginEnum! non-null enum orders

The order origin.

Order.isPaid ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Informs if an order is fully paid.

Order.paymentStatus ● PaymentChargeStatusEnum! non-null enum payments

Internal payment status.

Order.paymentStatusDisplay ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

User-friendly payment status.

Order.authorizeStatus ● OrderAuthorizeStatusEnum! non-null enum orders

The authorize status of the order.

Added in Saleor 3.4

Order.chargeStatus ● OrderChargeStatusEnum! non-null enum orders

The charge status of the order.

Added in Saleor 3.4

Order.taxExemption ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Returns True if order has to be exempt from taxes.

Added in Saleor 3.8

Order.transactions ● [TransactionItem!]! non-null object payments

List of transactions for the order.

Requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_ORDERSHANDLE_PAYMENTS
Added in Saleor 3.4

Order.payments ● [Payment!]! non-null object payments

List of payments for the order. ● TaxedMoney! non-null object miscellaneous

Total amount of the order.

Order.undiscountedTotal ● TaxedMoney! non-null object miscellaneous

Undiscounted total amount of the order.

Order.shippingMethod ● ShippingMethod deprecated object shipping


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use deliveryMethod instead.

Shipping method for this order.

Order.shippingPrice ● TaxedMoney! non-null object miscellaneous

Total price of shipping.

Order.shippingTaxRate ● Float! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The shipping tax rate value.

Order.shippingTaxClass ● TaxClass object taxes

Denormalized tax class assigned to the shipping method.

Added in Saleor 3.9
Requires one of the following permissions: AUTHENTICATED_STAFF_USERAUTHENTICATED_APP

Order.shippingTaxClassName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Denormalized name of the tax class assigned to the shipping method.

Added in Saleor 3.9

Order.shippingTaxClassMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

Denormalized public metadata of the shipping method's tax class.

Added in Saleor 3.9

Order.shippingTaxClassPrivateMetadata ● [MetadataItem!]! non-null object miscellaneous

Denormalized private metadata of the shipping method's tax class. Requires staff permissions to access.

Added in Saleor 3.9

Order.token ● String! deprecated non-null scalar miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use id instead.

Order.voucher ● Voucher object discounts

Voucher linked to the order.

Order.voucherCode ● String scalar miscellaneous

Voucher code that was used for Order.

Added in Saleor 3.18

Order.giftCards ● [GiftCard!]! non-null object gift-cards

List of user gift cards.

Order.customerNote ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Additional information provided by the customer about the order.

Order.weight ● Weight! non-null object miscellaneous

Weight of the order.

Order.redirectUrl ● String scalar miscellaneous

URL to which user should be redirected after order is placed.

Order.subtotal ● TaxedMoney! non-null object miscellaneous

The sum of line prices not including shipping.

Order.statusDisplay ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

User-friendly order status.

Order.canFinalize ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Informs whether a draft order can be finalized(turned into a regular order).

Order.totalAuthorized ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Amount authorized for the order.

Order.totalCaptured ● Money! deprecated non-null object miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use totalCharged instead.

Amount captured for the order.

Order.totalCharged ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Amount charged for the order.

Added in Saleor 3.13

Order.totalCanceled ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Amount canceled for the order.

Added in Saleor 3.13 ● [OrderEvent!]! non-null object orders

List of events associated with the order.

Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalBalance ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

The difference between the paid and the order total amount.

Order.userEmail ● String scalar miscellaneous

Email address of the customer. The full data can be access for orders created in Saleor 3.2 and later, for other orders

requires one of the following permissions: MANAGE_ORDERSOWNER

Order.isShippingRequired ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Returns True, if order requires shipping.

Order.deliveryMethod ● DeliveryMethod union miscellaneous

The delivery method selected for this order.

Added in Saleor 3.1

Order.languageCode ● String! deprecated non-null scalar miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the languageCodeEnum field to fetch the language code.

Order.languageCodeEnum ● LanguageCodeEnum! non-null enum miscellaneous

Order language code. ● Money deprecated object miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the discounts field instead.

Returns applied discount.

Order.discountName ● String deprecated scalar miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the discounts field instead.

Discount name.

Order.translatedDiscountName ● String deprecated scalar miscellaneous


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use the discounts field instead.

Translated discount name.

Order.discounts ● [OrderDiscount!]! non-null object discounts

List of all discounts assigned to the order.

Order.errors ● [OrderError!]! non-null object orders

List of errors that occurred during order validation.

Order.displayGrossPrices ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Determines whether displayed prices should include taxes.

Added in Saleor 3.9

Order.externalReference ● String scalar miscellaneous

External ID of this order.

Added in Saleor 3.10

Order.checkoutId ● ID scalar miscellaneous

ID of the checkout that the order was created from.

Added in Saleor 3.11

Order.grantedRefunds ● [OrderGrantedRefund!]! non-null object orders

List of granted refunds.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalGrantedRefund ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Total amount of granted refund.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalRefunded ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Total refund amount for the order.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.

Order.totalRefundPending ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Total amount of ongoing refund requests for the order's transactions.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalAuthorizePending ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Total amount of ongoing authorize requests for the order's transactions.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalChargePending ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Total amount of ongoing charge requests for the order's transactions.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalCancelPending ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

Total amount of ongoing cancel requests for the order's transactions.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.

Order.totalRemainingGrant ● Money! non-null object miscellaneous

The difference amount between granted refund and the amounts that are pending and refunded.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires MANAGE_ORDERSpermission.


Node interface miscellaneous

An object with an ID

ObjectWithMetadata interface miscellaneous

Returned By

order query ● orderByToken query

Member Of

CheckoutComplete object ● CustomerEvent object ● DraftOrderComplete object ● DraftOrderCreate object ● DraftOrderCreated object ● DraftOrderDelete object ● DraftOrderDeleted object ● DraftOrderUpdate object ● DraftOrderUpdated object ● FulfillmentApprove object ● FulfillmentApproved object ● FulfillmentCancel object ● FulfillmentCanceled object ● FulfillmentCreated object ● FulfillmentMetadataUpdated object ● FulfillmentRefundProducts object ● FulfillmentReturnProducts object ● FulfillmentTrackingNumberUpdated object ● FulfillmentUpdateTracking object ● Invoice object ● InvoiceDeleted object ● InvoiceRequest object ● InvoiceRequested object ● InvoiceSent object ● OrderAddNote object ● OrderBulkCreated object ● OrderBulkCreateResult object ● OrderCancel object ● OrderCancelled object ● OrderCapture object ● OrderConfirm object ● OrderConfirmed object ● OrderCountableEdge object ● OrderCreated object ● OrderCreateFromCheckout object ● OrderDiscountAdd object ● OrderDiscountDelete object ● OrderDiscountUpdate object ● OrderEvent object ● OrderExpired object ● OrderFilterShippingMethods object ● OrderFulfill object ● OrderFulfilled object ● OrderFullyPaid object ● OrderFullyRefunded object ● OrderGrantRefundCreate object ● OrderGrantRefundUpdate object ● OrderLineDelete object ● OrderLineDiscountRemove object ● OrderLineDiscountUpdate object ● OrderLinesCreate object ● OrderLineUpdate object ● OrderMarkAsPaid object ● OrderMetadataUpdated object ● OrderNoteAdd object ● OrderNoteUpdate object ● OrderPaid object ● OrderRefund object ● OrderRefunded object ● OrderUpdate object ● OrderUpdated object ● OrderUpdateShipping object ● OrderVoid object ● Payment object ● TransactionItem object

Implemented By

_Entity union ● OrderOrCheckout union ● TaxSourceObject union