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input WarehouseUpdateInput {
slug: String
email: String
externalReference: String
name: String
address: AddressInput
clickAndCollectOption: WarehouseClickAndCollectOptionEnum
isPrivate: Boolean


WarehouseUpdateInput.slug ● String scalar miscellaneous

Warehouse slug. ● String scalar miscellaneous

The email address of the warehouse.

WarehouseUpdateInput.externalReference ● String scalar miscellaneous

External ID of the warehouse.

Added in Saleor 3.10 ● String scalar miscellaneous

Warehouse name.

WarehouseUpdateInput.address ● AddressInput input miscellaneous

Address of the warehouse.

WarehouseUpdateInput.clickAndCollectOption ● WarehouseClickAndCollectOptionEnum enum products

Click and collect options: local, all or disabled.

Added in Saleor 3.1

WarehouseUpdateInput.isPrivate ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Visibility of warehouse stocks.

Added in Saleor 3.1

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updateWarehouse mutation