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Initializes payment gateway for tokenizing payment method session.

Added in Saleor 3.16
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires AUTHENTICATED_USERpermission.

Triggers the following webhook events:

  • PAYMENT_GATEWAY_INITIALIZE_TOKENIZATION_SESSION (sync): The customer requested to initialize payment gateway for tokenization.
type PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenization {
result: PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenizationResult!
data: JSON
errors: [PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenizationError!]!


PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenization.result ● PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenizationResult! non-null enum payments

A status of the payment gateway initialization. ● JSON scalar miscellaneous

A data returned by payment app.

PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenization.errors ● [PaymentGatewayInitializeTokenizationError!]! non-null object payments

Returned By

paymentGatewayInitializeTokenization mutation